
On the auspicious occasion of Great Dashain, Tihar & Chhath festival 2081 B.S., I wish happiness, peace, prosperity and longevity […]

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मलाई कहाँ आउँछ र अरूको मन जित्न,यहाँ त म आफैं, हार्छु आफ्नै मनसँग।आशा बोकेर हिँड्छु, सपना सजाएर,तर सधैं हारेको भेट्छु […]

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this is the test post.The applicant who wants to register a domain name under NP CCTLD must read and agree […]

The Dakshinkali Temple

The Dakshinkali Temple also known as Dakshina Kali Temple, is situated in Dakshinkali Municipality, KTM which is roughly 1 Km […]