There is no single concrete definition of artificial intelligence, as different individuals have varying perspectives on it. Some view it as a human-created technology that enables computers to function intelligently, while others perceive it as a machine imbued with human labour, providing data and information effectively. Despite the diverse definitions and viewpoints, we can consider it an advanced technology connected to computers that assists humans in solving various problems. Thus, it can be regarded as an advanced form of computer science that has endowed machines with the capability of hearing, speaking, and thinking. Fundamentally, it is the technology of instilling human intelligence into a machine, representing a branch of computer science that aims to create machines capable of performing tasks that typically require intelligence.
AI seems like a new technology, although its concept is very old. It is also said that the concept of AI was used in Greek mythology. Anyway, the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956 A.D. It comes in various forms and has gained a lot of popularity in recent days. ChatGpt, Google Bard, Google Voice Assistant, etc. may be familiar examples of AI. It is divided into three categories, i.e., narrow AI, general AI, and super AI.
Negative impact
AI is creating an imbalance in society. It is replacing the needs of people due to its active or working nature. It performs and solves work alone by replacing human labour and intelligence, which creates barriers to communication even with people. As a result, it brings about the situation of unemployment in every sector. Today, even in restaurants, hospitals, agriculture, training centres, schools, supermarkets, etc., robots are seen as having human form and behaviour, which forces people to lose their jobs. The creativity, activity, and need for manpower are decreasing day by day, and this is causing unemployment all over the world. People are becoming lazy and inactive because of AI. Since each and every task can be completed through AI, people are not under pressure to remember everything and get things done. This harmful addiction may cause various consequences. Just as AI acts on behalf of human beings without emotions, morals, or ethics, it can act as a human being but never be a human being. There are predictions that one day there will be a situation where AI will wipe out humanity.
Positive impact
AI provides computers with sufficient capabilities to learn, analyse, and reason. From reducing human errors to surgical contributions, it has had a huge positive impact on people. The decision taken by the AI is based on previously gathered information. So, there is a set of algorithms to solve problems that minimise errors.
It is available 24 hours a day, which is beneficial for people. People cannot be available 24×7, as they need rest after certain hours. However, AI can work endlessly and doesn’t need a break. As an example, one can use online customer support chatbots that help customers at any time. Another unique feature of this is unbiased decision-making. Self-driving cars have also become popular in some countries in recent times. Due to the autopilot feature in vehicles, it runs without a driver, which may seem risky, but they use machine learning algorithms with sensors and cameras. Similarly, AI is also making significant contributions to the medical field. It can help doctors analyse patient conditions and data and give the best suggestions from the various collected data. This can lead to better results and outcomes for patients by diagnosing diseases, discovering new drugs, and providing personalised treatments. In society, it can promote social well-being by empowering marginalised groups, promoting human rights, and facilitating humanitarian assistance. Similarly, in the education sector, it can enhance education by providing adaptive learning platforms, personalised feedback, and access to global knowledge.
History shows that human beings always look for something faster, easier, and more convenient to solve a task, and in this context, AI is playing an important role in making human work easier. As there is a saying, people should change with time, but the important thing is that it should be used for authentic and limited things. This does not mean that it should be stopped or is not needed. As Aldous Huxley made us aware of AI in the 20th century in the book “Brave New World,” we must take it into consideration. The monster in the form of AI should not appear.
Artificial intelligence is making a lot of progress in the field of technology from bottom to top. Its rapid expansion is widely applicable across the globe. While saying this, it is also facing various challenges as well. The foremost challenge of AI is transparency and explainability. In many cases, the decision-making process given by AI is very tough to understand. Hence, it is often called the black box. As a matter of fact, there should be transparency and accountability by maintaining certain standards that could explain matters in critical situations. Somewhere and somehow, it is violating the privacy and capabilities of human beings by collecting, analysing, and sharing personal data without consent or transparency. As a result, our identity, autonomy, and dignity can be altered or destroyed. Therefore, there is a need to set guidelines and a framework to regulate it.
From a legal point of view, the main challenge is that it can imitate sounds like our voice. For example, if someone sings a song, delivers a speech, or speaks about something, the AI will imitate the original sounds exactly. As a result, it may be difficult to prove someone guilty in court. This is a tough challenge in a country like ours, where voices or voice records are believed and accepted as evidence. The people who speak may say, ‘It’s not me, it’s the AI’, while the AI-generated voices and content may convince you and the concerned authority or institution that it is genuine.
AI is the most reliable alternative for solving problems, and it is here or has existed to stay and thrill the world. As it continues to emerge, many opportunities and challenges are emerging. In this context, challenges related to AI, such as job displacement and ethical concerns, must be taken seriously and proactively addressed. For this, governments should collaborate with stakeholders from various sectors to establish clear ethical frameworks for its development and deployment. We know that it is without a soul and cannot identify right and wrong, but it responds according to the nature of action. In this matter, AI pioneer Weizenbaum says computers cannot make important decisions. Therefore, we should not allow computers to make decisions anywhere, in any situation, field, or sector, because they are just machines and can never have human qualities, i.e., intelligence, morality, compassion, etc. AI will always be AI. Therefore, we should trust it only partially, not completely, because there is an equal possibility of both profit and risk. Given its wide-ranging implications and challenges, the EU recently approved the world’s first comprehensive AI legislation that addresses the risks of AI and positions Europe to play a leading role globally.